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Пол: Пол: Он
Зарегистрирован: 19.02.2008
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СообщениеДобавлено: Пн Окт 27, 2008 11:26 am    Заголовок сообщения: Ответить с цитатой

ты читать умеешь? в оболочке инсталлятора есть кнопка "справка", её тоже полезно нажать.
ставь в первый сектор диска, вместо вендовой mbr

для проверки оборудования существуют различные live-cd
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Пол: Пол: Он
Зарегистрирован: 01.01.2007
Сообщения: 2925
Откуда: Мелитополь
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голосов: 38

СообщениеДобавлено: Пн Окт 27, 2008 16:25 pm    Заголовок сообщения: Ответить с цитатой

я просто в уривере , всем спасибо, буду дома проверю) короче нах удаляю с одного винта все разделы и ставлю мандриву( если поставится) потом проверю работоспособность второго винта...
блин много важной инфы на той 320цатке что ошибку чтения выдает(( а на той что линукс ставлю нет нехрена...
SLP , если что можешь поставить ? покажешь что к чему и как)
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Пол: Пол: Он
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СообщениеДобавлено: Пн Окт 27, 2008 22:39 pm    Заголовок сообщения: Ответить с цитатой

-=GURU**of**3D=- писал(а):
я просто в уривере , всем спасибо, буду дома проверю) короче нах удаляю с одного винта все разделы и ставлю мандриву( если поставится) потом проверю работоспособность второго винта...
блин много важной инфы на той 320цатке что ошибку чтения выдает(( а на той что линукс ставлю нет нехрена...
SLP , если что можешь поставить ? покажешь что к чему и как)

Пожалуйста в личку
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Пол: Пол: Он
Зарегистрирован: 01.01.2007
Сообщения: 2925
Откуда: Мелитополь
Репутация: 142.3
голосов: 38

СообщениеДобавлено: Вт Окт 28, 2008 08:53 am    Заголовок сообщения: Ответить с цитатой

Поставил... не чё так , вот только звука нет((( Получилось только при одном разделе / , на видик дрова стали нормально , а вот звук... Тупо зависла 2 раза ... Короче поклацал и вернулся на Висту , кстати поставилась нормально))) И все жесткие работают. Всем спасибо за советы!
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Пол: Пол: Она
Зарегистрирован: 07.01.2008
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Откуда: из приличной семьи
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СообщениеДобавлено: Вт Окт 28, 2008 09:09 am    Заголовок сообщения: ... Ответить с цитатой


Последний раз редактировалось: Маяша (Пн Мар 23, 2009 07:15 am), всего редактировалось 1 раз
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Пол: Пол: Он
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СообщениеДобавлено: Вт Окт 28, 2008 09:35 am    Заголовок сообщения: Ответить с цитатой

ОТКУДА вы берете такие дикие проблемы?
у меня всё стало влёт, за полчаса + 20 минут на ручную сортировку пакетов.
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Пол: Пол: Он
Зарегистрирован: 29.06.2005
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СообщениеДобавлено: Вт Окт 28, 2008 20:50 pm    Заголовок сообщения: Re: ... Ответить с цитатой

Маяша писал(а):
поставила я тоже мандриву эту. поставилась без проблем! очень долго загружается при старте! и почему то глючит когда допустим открыто 2 окна, одно активное а второе нет, и на том которое не активное на заголовке самого окна становиться какое то нереальнопокарёженное, и нифига не видно, а ещё бывает что эта покарёженность другого цвета (((( подскажите глупой девушке что делать? может это компиз глючит?

п.с. Всётаки сижу на гноме так как КДЕ вообще ужас какой то!!! нереал!

Отключите compiz.

PS KDE рулез
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Пол: Пол: Она
Зарегистрирован: 07.01.2008
Сообщения: 63
Откуда: из приличной семьи
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голосов: 7

СообщениеДобавлено: Ср Окт 29, 2008 08:36 am    Заголовок сообщения: Ответить с цитатой


Последний раз редактировалось: Маяша (Пн Мар 23, 2009 07:16 am), всего редактировалось 1 раз
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Пол: Пол: Он
Зарегистрирован: 29.06.2005
Сообщения: 2475

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голосов: 24

СообщениеДобавлено: Ср Окт 29, 2008 09:25 am    Заголовок сообщения: Ответить с цитатой

Маяша писал(а):
когда отключаю компиз окна вообще становяццо невменяемыми. у у них пропадает строка заголовка, они не перемещаються не сварачиваются и не меняються в размере. вот такие глюки

вот шо у мя с окнами Angel

Получить код этого изображения

IMHO где-то сохранились настройки compiz.

Я не включал compiz.

Зайдите на linuxforum.ru.

там на 99,9% найдете ответ на ваш вопрос.

PS Настоятельно рекомендую пользоваться Mandriva 2008 Spring.
Установите именно эту систему (не включая compiz) и все ваши проблемы исчезнут.
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Пол: Пол: Он
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СообщениеДобавлено: Ср Окт 29, 2008 09:57 am    Заголовок сообщения: Ответить с цитатой

SLP писал(а):
Маяша писал(а):
когда отключаю компиз окна вообще становяццо невменяемыми. у у них пропадает строка заголовка, они не перемещаються не сварачиваются и не меняються в размере. вот такие глюки

вот шо у мя с окнами Angel

Получить код этого изображения

IMHO где-то сохранились настройки compiz.

Я не включал compiz.

Зайдите на linuxforum.ru.

там на 99,9% найдете ответ на ваш вопрос.

PS Настоятельно рекомендую пользоваться Mandriva 2008 Spring.
Установите именно эту систему (не включая compiz) и все ваши проблемы исчезнут.

У меня Ubuntu работает вообще как часы. Работаю и радуюсь ! Даже про ASP Linux забыл на котором работал и начинал
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Пол: Пол: Он
Зарегистрирован: 29.06.2005
Сообщения: 2475

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голосов: 24

СообщениеДобавлено: Ср Окт 29, 2008 10:05 am    Заголовок сообщения: Ответить с цитатой

Thomas писал(а):
SLP писал(а):
Маяша писал(а):
когда отключаю компиз окна вообще становяццо невменяемыми. у у них пропадает строка заголовка, они не перемещаються не сварачиваются и не меняються в размере. вот такие глюки

вот шо у мя с окнами Angel

Получить код этого изображения

IMHO где-то сохранились настройки compiz.

Я не включал compiz.

Зайдите на linuxforum.ru.

там на 99,9% найдете ответ на ваш вопрос.

PS Настоятельно рекомендую пользоваться Mandriva 2008 Spring.
Установите именно эту систему (не включая compiz) и все ваши проблемы исчезнут.

У меня Ubuntu работает вообще как часы. Работаю и радуюсь ! Даже про ASP Linux забыл на котором работал и начинал

Не важно какой Linux- главное чтобы был Linux.

Ubuntu мне как программисту не подходит.
Mandriva распространяется 1dvd+4 DVD доп ПО.
Красота ! Практически ничего не надо скачивать из инета
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Пол: Пол: Он
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Сообщения: 3169
Откуда: /dev/null
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СообщениеДобавлено: Ср Окт 29, 2008 10:11 am    Заголовок сообщения: Ответить с цитатой

)) интересно я ж тоже программист и подходит аж бегом, на прошлой работе почти у всех стоял Debian который является основой Ubuntu (разработка Java, Lisp, PHP приложений было).
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Пол: Пол: Он
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голосов: 24

СообщениеДобавлено: Ср Окт 29, 2008 10:28 am    Заголовок сообщения: Ответить с цитатой

Thomas писал(а):
)) интересно я ж тоже программист и подходит аж бегом, на прошлой работе почти у всех стоял Debian который является основой Ubuntu (разработка Java, Lisp, PHP приложений было).

Разве в Ubuntu есть PosgreSQL,phppgadmin,pgadmin3,dosemu тд ?
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Пол: Пол: Он
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Сообщения: 3169
Откуда: /dev/null
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голосов: 31

СообщениеДобавлено: Ср Окт 29, 2008 11:35 am    Заголовок сообщения: Ответить с цитатой

Вот что выдало по запросу postgre

thomas@thomas-desktop:~$ apt-cache search postgre
bacula-director-pgsql - Network backup, recovery and verification (Director daemon)
bacula-sd-pgsql - Network backup, recovery and verification (SD tools-PostgreSQL)
exim4-daemon-heavy - Exim MTA (v4) daemon with extended features, including exiscan-acl
freeradius-postgresql - PostgreSQL module for FreeRADIUS server
libapache2-mod-auth-pgsql - Module for Apache2 which provides pgsql authentication
libdbd-sqlite3-perl - Perl DBI driver with a self-contained RDBMS
libpg-java - Java database (JDBC) driver for PostgreSQL
libpqxx-2.6.9ldbl - C++ library to connect to PostgreSQL
libpqxx-dev - C++ library to connect to PostgreSQL (development files)
libqt4-sql - Qt 4 SQL database module
libsasl2-modules-sql - Cyrus SASL - pluggable authentication modules (SQL)
postgresql-client-common - manager for multiple PostgreSQL client versions
postgresql-common - PostgreSQL database-cluster manager
python-pygresql - PostgreSQL module for Python
python-pygresql-dbg - PostgreSQL module for Python (debug extension)
acidlab-pgsql - Analysis Console for Intrusion Databases for Postgres
aolserver4-nspostgres - AOLserver 4 module: Postgres connector
bandwidthd-pgsql - Tracks usage of TCP/IP and builds html files with graphs
beancounter - A stock portfolio performance monitoring tool
cedar-backup2 - local and remote backups to CD or DVD media
cedar-backup2-doc - local and remote backups to CD or DVD media (documentation)
cl-pg - Common Lisp library that provides a socket level postgresql interface
cl-sql-postgresql - CLSQL database backend, PostgreSQL
cl-sql-postgresql-socket - CLSQL database backend, PostgreSQL
cl-sql-tests - Testing suite for CLSQL
courier-authlib-postgresql - PostgreSQL support for the Courier authentication library
courier-webadmin - Courier mail server - web-based administration frontend
cvm-pgsql - Credential Validation Modules (postgresql)
dak - Debian's archive maintenance scripts
dbconfig-common - common framework for packaging database applications
dbi-link - A partial implementation of SQL/MED to PostgreSQL
dbishell - Interactive SQL shell with readline support
dbmail - base package for the dbmail email solution
dbmail-pgsql - PostgreSQL module for Dbmail
dspam-webfrontend - DSPAM is a scalable and statistical anti-spam filter
facturalux - ERP/CRM software for GNU/Linux
facturalux-dev - Development files for facturalux
ferret - CASE tool for data model editing
fp-units-db - Free Pascal -- database libraries units
gambas2 - Complete visual development environment for Gambas
gambas2-dev - Gambas compilation tools
gambas2-doc - Gambas documentation
gambas2-gb-chart - The Gambas charting component
gambas2-gb-compress - The Gambas compression component
gambas2-gb-compress-bzlib2 - The Gambas bzlib2 component
gambas2-gb-compress-zlib - The Gambas zlib compression component
gambas2-gb-crypt - The Gambas crypt encription component
gambas2-gb-db - Gambas database access common libraries
gambas2-gb-db-firebird - The Firebird driver for the Gambas database component
gambas2-gb-db-form - Gambas database bound controls
gambas2-gb-db-mysql - The MySQL driver for the Gambas database component
gambas2-gb-db-odbc - The Gambas ODBC driver database component
gambas2-gb-db-postgresql - The PostgreSQL driver for the Gambas database component
gambas2-gb-db-sqlite - The Gambas sqlite3 driver database component
gambas2-gb-db-sqlite2 - The Gambas sqlite2 driver database component
gambas2-gb-desktop - Gambas Portland project compatibility component
gambas2-gb-form - A gambas native form component
gambas2-gb-form-dialog - A gambas native mdi form component
gambas2-gb-form-mdi - A gambas native mdi form component
gambas2-gb-gtk - The Gambas gtk component
gambas2-gb-gtk-ext - The Gambas extended gtk GUI component
gambas2-gb-gtk-svg - The Gambas SVG importing component
gambas2-gb-gui - The graphical toolkit selector component
gambas2-gb-image - A Gambas image effects component
gambas2-gb-info - A Gambas information component
gambas2-gb-net - The Gambas networking component
gambas2-gb-net-curl - The Gambas advanced networking component
gambas2-gb-net-smtp - Gambas component to use smtp protocol
gambas2-gb-opengl - The OpenGL component for Gambas
gambas2-gb-pcre - The Gambas regexp component
gambas2-gb-pdf - The Gambas pdf component
gambas2-gb-qt - The Gambas Qt GUI component
gambas2-gb-qt-ext - The Gambas extended Qt GUI component
gambas2-gb-qt-kde - The Gambas KDE component
gambas2-gb-qt-kde-html - The Gambas KHTML component
gambas2-gb-qt-opengl - OpenGL with QT toolkit Gambas component
gambas2-gb-report - Gambas report component
gambas2-gb-sdl - The Gambas SDL component
gambas2-gb-settings - Gambas utilities class
gambas2-gb-v4l - The Gambas video for linux component
gambas2-gb-vb - The Gambas to Visual Basic(tm) compatibility component
gambas2-gb-web - Gambas CGI for web applications component
gambas2-gb-xml - The Gambas XML and XSLT component
gambas2-ide - Visual development environment for the Gambas programming language
gambas2-runtime - The Gambas runtime
gambas2-script - The Gambas scripter
gda2-postgres - PostgreSQL backend plugin for GNOME Data Access library for GNOME2
gforge-db-postgresql - collaborative development tool - database (using PostgreSQL)
gforge-shell-postgresql - collaborative development tool - shell accounts (using PostgreSQL)
glom - database designer and user interface
gnokii-smsd-pgsql - SMSD plugin for the PostgreSQL RDBMS
greylistd - Greylisting daemon for use with Exim 4
guile-pg - Guile bindings for the PostgreSQL client library
haskell-hsql-doc - API documentation of the HSQL library for Haskell
haskell-hsql-mysql-doc - API documentation of the hsql-mysql library for Haskell
haskell-hsql-odbc-doc - API documentation of the hsql-odbc library for Haskell
haskell-hsql-postgresql-doc - API documentation of the hsql-postgresql library for Haskell
haskell-hsql-sqlite3-doc - API documentation of the hsql-sqlite3 library for Haskell
hobbit-plugins - plugins for the Hobbit network monitor
jabberd2-ldap-pgsql - Jabber Open Source Instant Messenger Server (LDAP & PostgreSQL)
jabberd2-pgsql - Jabber Open Source Instant Messenger Server (PostgreSQL)
jffnms - web-based Network Management System (NMS) for IP networks
libclass-dbi-loader-perl - Dynamic definition of Class::DBI sub classes
libclass-dbi-pg-perl - Class::DBI extension for Postgres
libdatetime-format-pg-perl - Parse and format PostgreSQL dates and times
libdbd-pg-perl - Perl DBI driver for the PostgreSQL database server
libdbd-pg-ruby - Ruby/DBI PostgreSQL driver
libdbd-pg-ruby1.8 - Ruby/DBI PostgreSQL driver for Ruby 1.8
libdbd-pgsql - PostgreSQL database server driver for libdbi
libdbd-sqlite2-perl - Perl DBI driver with a self-contained RDBMS (SQLite2 version)
libdbix-class-perl - Extensible and flexible object <-> relational mapper
libdbix-class-schema-loader-perl - Dynamic definition of a DBIx::Class::Schema
libdbix-datasource-perl - Database-independent create and drop functions
libdbix-dbschema-perl - Database-independent schema objects
libdspam7-drv-pgsql - DSPAM is a scalable and statistical anti-spam filter
libgda3-postgres - PostgreSQL backend plugin for GNOME Data Access library for GNOME2
libghc6-hdbc-dev - Haskell Database Connectivity, GHC6 package
libghc6-hdbc-odbc-dev - unixODBC HDBC (Haskell Database Connectivity) Driver for GHC
libghc6-hdbc-postgresql-dev - PostgreSQL HDBC (Haskell Database Connectivity) Driver for GHC
libghc6-hdbc-sqlite3-dev - Sqlite v3 HDBC (Haskell Database Connectivity) Driver for GHC
libghc6-hsql-dev - Multi-Database Interface System library for GHC6
libghc6-hsql-mysql-dev - MySQL driver of the HSQL library for GHC6
libghc6-hsql-mysql-prof - MySQL driver of the HSQL profiling library for GHC6
libghc6-hsql-odbc-dev - UnixODBC driver of the HSQL library for GHC6
libghc6-hsql-odbc-prof - UnixODBC driver of the HSQL profiling library for GHC6
libghc6-hsql-postgresql-dev - PostgreSQL driver of the HSQL library for GHC6
libghc6-hsql-postgresql-prof - PostgreSQL driver of the HSQL profiling library for GHC6
libghc6-hsql-prof - Multi-Database Interface System profiling library for GHC6
libghc6-hsql-sqlite3-dev - SQLite driver of the HSQL library for GHC6
libghc6-hsql-sqlite3-prof - SQLite driver of the HSQL profiling library for GHC6
libhk-classes-postgres - PostgreSQL driver plugin for libhk-classes
libhugs-hdbc - Haskell Database Connectivity, Hugs package
libhugs-hdbc-odbc - unixODBC HDBC (Haskell Database Connectivity) Driver for Hugs
libhugs-hdbc-postgresql - PostgreSQL HDBC (Haskell Database Connectivity) Driver for Hugs
libhugs-hdbc-sqlite3 - Sqlite v3 HDBC (Haskell Database Connectivity) Driver for Hugs
libkaya-pgsql-dev - PostgreSQL binding for kaya
libnss-pgsql2 - NSS module for using PostgreSQL as a naming service
libpg-perl - Perl modules for PostgreSQL
libpgeasy - simplified interface library for postgresql
libpgeasy-dev - simplified interface library for postgresql - development files
libpgjava - Java database (JDBC) driver for PostgreSQL - transitional package
libpgsql-ruby - PostgreSQL extension library for Ruby (dummy package)
libpgsql-ruby1.8 - PostgreSQL extension library for Ruby 1.8
libpgtcl-dev - Tcl client library binding for PostgreSQL - development files
libpgtcl1.5 - Tcl client library binding for PostgreSQL
libphp-adodb - The ADOdb database abstraction layer for PHP
libpostgis-java - geographic objects support for PostgreSQL -- JDBC support
libpostgresql-ocaml - OCaml bindings to PostgreSQL's libpq
libpostgresql-ocaml-dev - OCaml bindings to PostgreSQL's libpq
libqt3-mt-psql - PostgreSQL database driver for Qt3 (Threaded)
libsimpledb-dev - C++ ODBC database API
libsimpledb2 - C++ ODBC database API
libsnowpg-perl - Wrapper class for PostgreSQL providing convenience functions
libsqlxx-2.3c2a - C++ classes for database access via ODBC
libsqlxx-dev - C++ classes for database access via ODBC
libtntdb-dev - Development headers for tntdb
libtntdb0 - C++ class library for easy database access
libuser-simple-perl - Simple user sessions management
libyada-pgsql4 - yet another database abstraction layer - postgresql backend
mini-dinstall - daemon for updating Debian packages in a repository
nanoweb - HTTP server written in PHP
nuauth-log-pgsql - Module for nuauth logging into PostgreSQL databases
odbc-postgresql - ODBC driver for PostgreSQL
openser-postgres-module - PostgreSQL database connectivity module for OpenSER
osm2pgsql - Openstreetmap data to PostgreSQL converter
papercut - simple and extensible NNTP server
pdns-backend-pgsql - generic PostgreSQL backend for PowerDNS
perdition - POP3 and IMAP4 Proxy server
perdition-postgresql - Library to allow perdition to access PostgreSQL based popmaps
pfm - PostgreSQL graphical client using Tcl/Tk
pgadmin3 - graphical administration tool for PostgreSQL
pgadmin3-data - graphical administration tool for PostgreSQL - documentation
pgagent - job scheduler for PostgreSQL
pgdocs-pdf - PostgreSQL documentation in PDF format on US letter paper
pgdocs-pdf-a4 - PostgreSQL documentation in PDF format for A4 paper
pgfouine - PostgreSQL log analyzer
pgloader - loads flat data files into PostgreSQL
pgpool - connection pool server for PostgreSQL
pgpool2 - connection pool server and replication proxy for PostgreSQL
php5-sqlite3 - SQLite3 module for php5
phpbb2 - A fully featured and skinnable flat (non-threaded) webforum
phppgadmin - Set of PHP scripts to administrate PostgreSQL over the WWW
pike7.6-core - Powerful interpreted programming language
pike7.6-pg - Postgres module for Pike
postgis - geographic objects support for PostgreSQL -- common files
postgresql-8.2 - object-relational SQL database, version 8.2 server
postgresql-8.2-ip4r - IPv4 and IPv4 range index types for PostgreSQL 8.2
postgresql-8.2-orafce - Oracle support functions for PostgreSQL
postgresql-8.2-pljava-gcj - Java procedural language for PostgreSQL
postgresql-8.2-plproxy - PL/Proxy is a proxy language used for remote database
postgresql-8.2-plruby - Ruby procedural language for PostgreSQL
postgresql-8.2-plsh - PL/sh procedural language for PostgreSQL 8.2
postgresql-8.2-postgis - geographic objects support for PostgreSQL 8.2
postgresql-8.3-ip4r - IPv4 and IPv4 range index types for PostgreSQL 8.3
postgresql-8.3-postgis - geographic objects support for PostgreSQL 8.3
postgresql-8.3-slony1 - replication system for PostgreSQL
postgresql-client-8.2 - front-end programs for PostgreSQL 8.2
postgresql-contrib-8.2 - additional facilities for PostgreSQL
postgresql-doc-8.2 - documentation for the PostgreSQL database management system
postgresql-filedump-8.2 - Utility to format PostgreSQL files
postgresql-plperl-8.2 - PL/Perl procedural language for PostgreSQL 8.2
postgresql-plpython-8.2 - PL/Python procedural language for PostgreSQL 8.2
postgresql-pltcl-8.2 - PL/Tcl procedural language for PostgreSQL 8.2
postgresql-server-dev-8.2 - development files for PostgreSQL 8.2 server-side programming
postgresql-tablelog - log changes on a table in PostgresSQL
postgrey - greylisting implementation for Postfix
proftpd-pgsql - Versatile, virtual-hosting FTP daemon
pure-ftpd-postgresql - Pure-FTPd FTP server with PostgreSQL user authentication
python-logilab-common - useful miscellaneous modules used by Logilab projects
python-pgsql - A Python DB-API 2.0 interface to PostgreSQL v7.x
python-psycopg - Python module for PostgreSQL
python-psycopg-dbg - Python module for PostgreSQL (debug extension)
python-psycopg2 - Python module for PostgreSQL
python-psycopg2-dbg - Python module for PostgreSQL (debug extension)
python-psycopg2da - Zope database adapter based on python-psycopg2 -- zope3 version
python-psycopgda - Zope database adapter based on python-psycopg -- zope3 version
python-storm - object-relational mapper (ORM) for Python
r-cran-rodbc - GNU R package for ODBC database access
ratbox-services-pgsql - irc services for use with ircd-ratbox with the PostgreSQL backend
roundcube-pgsql - virtual package providing PostgreSQL dependencies for RoundCube
roundcube-webmail - A browser-based multilingual AJAX-powered IMAP client
ser-acc-db-module - contains the ser acc module, with db support
ser-postgres-module - contains the PostgreSQL database connectivity module
serendipity - Weblog manager with extensive theming and plugin support
sgml-spell-checker - spell checker for SGML documents
sisu-complete - installs all SiSU related packages
sisu-postgresql - SiSU dependencies for use with postgresql database
slony1-bin - replication system for PostgreSQL
slony1-doc - Slony-I documentation
snort-pgsql - Flexible Network Intrusion Detection System [PostgreSQL]
spl-core - SPL Programming Language
spl-postgres - SPL Programming Language -- postgres adapter
sqlrelay - Database connection pooling, proxying and load balancing
sqlrelay-dev - SQL Relay C and C++ APIs
sqlrelay-doc - SQL Relay Documentation
sqlrelay-postgresql - SQL Relay PostgreSQL connection daemon
sympa - Modern mailing list manager
tedia2sql - Converts a Dia diagram to various SQL dialects
tntdb-postgresql0 - PostgreSQL backend for tntdb database access library
tora - A graphical toolkit for database developers and administrators
trac - Enhanced wiki and issue tracking system for software development projects
ulogd - The Netfilter Userspace Logging Daemon
ulogd-pgsql - PostgreSQL extension to ulogd
webcalendar - PHP-Based multi-user calendar
www-pgsql - a WWW interface for the PostgreSQL database
wzdftpd-back-pgsql - PostgreSQL backend for wzdftpd
yate-pgsql - Postgresql module for yate
zabbix-server-pgsql - software for monitoring of your networks -- server
zope-exuserfolder - extensible user authentication product for zope
zope-psycopgda - Zope database adapter based on python-psycopg
zope-psycopgda2 - Zope database adapter based on python-psycopg2
postgresql-autodoc - utility to create PostrgreSQL database schema overview in HTML, DOT and XML
libecpg-compat3 - older version of run-time library for ECPG programs
libecpg-dev - development files for ECPG (Embedded PostgreSQL for C)
libecpg6 - run-time library for ECPG programs
libpgtypes3 - shared library libpgtypes for PostgreSQL 8.3
libpq-dev - header files for libpq5 (PostgreSQL library)
libpq5 - PostgreSQL C client library
openoffice.org-base - OpenOffice.org office suite - database
php5-pgsql - PostgreSQL module for php5
php5-sqlite - SQLite module for php5
postgresql - object-relational SQL database (latest version)
postgresql-8.3 - object-relational SQL database, version 8.3 server
postgresql-client - front-end programs for PostgreSQL (latest version)
postgresql-client-8.3 - front-end programs for PostgreSQL 8.3
postgresql-contrib - additional facilities for PostgreSQL (latest version)
postgresql-contrib-8.3 - additional facilities for PostgreSQL
postgresql-doc - documentation for the PostgreSQL database management system
postgresql-doc-8.3 - documentation for the PostgreSQL database management system
postgresql-plperl-8.3 - PL/Perl procedural language for PostgreSQL 8.3
postgresql-plpython-8.3 - PL/Python procedural language for PostgreSQL 8.3
postgresql-pltcl-8.3 - PL/Tcl procedural language for PostgreSQL 8.3
postgresql-server-dev-8.3 - development files for PostgreSQL 8.3 server-side programming
gnade-bin - GNat Ada Database Environment - embedded SQL preprocessor
gnade-doc - Documentation files for the GNat Ada Database Environment
libgnademysql-dev - GNat Ada Database Environment - MySQL programming interface
libgnademysql1.6 - GNat Ada Database Environment - MySQL interface
libgnadeodbc-dev - GNat Ada Database Environment - ODBC programming interface
libgnadeodbc1.6 - GNat Ada Database Environment - ODBC interface
libgnadepostgresql-dev - GNat Ada Database Environment - PostgreSQL programming interface
libgnadepostgresql1.6 - GNat Ada Database Environment - PostgreSQL interface
libgnadesqlite-dev - GNat Ada Database Environment - SQLite programming interface
libgnadesqlite1.6 - GNat Ada Database Environment - SQLite interface
libpam-pgsql - PAM module to authenticate using a PostgreSQL database
mnogosearch-pgsql - full-featured web search engine (PostgreSQL)
openoffice.org-sdbc-postgresql - PostgreSQL SDBC driver for OpenOffice.org
specter - packet logger for netfilter's ULOG target
specter-pgsql - packet logger for netfilter's ULOG target [PostgreSQL]

Dosemu есть тоже.

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Thomas писал(а):
Вот что выдало по запросу postgre

thomas@thomas-desktop:~$ apt-cache search postgre
bacula-director-pgsql - Network backup, recovery and verification (Director daemon)
bacula-sd-pgsql - Network backup, recovery and verification (SD tools-PostgreSQL)
exim4-daemon-heavy - Exim MTA (v4) daemon with extended features, including exiscan-acl
freeradius-postgresql - PostgreSQL module for FreeRADIUS server
libapache2-mod-auth-pgsql - Module for Apache2 which provides pgsql authentication
libdbd-sqlite3-perl - Perl DBI driver with a self-contained RDBMS
libpg-java - Java database (JDBC) driver for PostgreSQL
libpqxx-2.6.9ldbl - C++ library to connect to PostgreSQL
libpqxx-dev - C++ library to connect to PostgreSQL (development files)
libqt4-sql - Qt 4 SQL database module
libsasl2-modules-sql - Cyrus SASL - pluggable authentication modules (SQL)
postgresql-client-common - manager for multiple PostgreSQL client versions
postgresql-common - PostgreSQL database-cluster manager
python-pygresql - PostgreSQL module for Python
python-pygresql-dbg - PostgreSQL module for Python (debug extension)
acidlab-pgsql - Analysis Console for Intrusion Databases for Postgres
aolserver4-nspostgres - AOLserver 4 module: Postgres connector
bandwidthd-pgsql - Tracks usage of TCP/IP and builds html files with graphs
beancounter - A stock portfolio performance monitoring tool
cedar-backup2 - local and remote backups to CD or DVD media
cedar-backup2-doc - local and remote backups to CD or DVD media (documentation)
cl-pg - Common Lisp library that provides a socket level postgresql interface
cl-sql-postgresql - CLSQL database backend, PostgreSQL
cl-sql-postgresql-socket - CLSQL database backend, PostgreSQL
cl-sql-tests - Testing suite for CLSQL
courier-authlib-postgresql - PostgreSQL support for the Courier authentication library
courier-webadmin - Courier mail server - web-based administration frontend
cvm-pgsql - Credential Validation Modules (postgresql)
dak - Debian's archive maintenance scripts
dbconfig-common - common framework for packaging database applications
dbi-link - A partial implementation of SQL/MED to PostgreSQL
dbishell - Interactive SQL shell with readline support
dbmail - base package for the dbmail email solution
dbmail-pgsql - PostgreSQL module for Dbmail
dspam-webfrontend - DSPAM is a scalable and statistical anti-spam filter
facturalux - ERP/CRM software for GNU/Linux
facturalux-dev - Development files for facturalux
ferret - CASE tool for data model editing
fp-units-db - Free Pascal -- database libraries units
gambas2 - Complete visual development environment for Gambas
gambas2-dev - Gambas compilation tools
gambas2-doc - Gambas documentation
gambas2-gb-chart - The Gambas charting component
gambas2-gb-compress - The Gambas compression component
gambas2-gb-compress-bzlib2 - The Gambas bzlib2 component
gambas2-gb-compress-zlib - The Gambas zlib compression component
gambas2-gb-crypt - The Gambas crypt encription component
gambas2-gb-db - Gambas database access common libraries
gambas2-gb-db-firebird - The Firebird driver for the Gambas database component
gambas2-gb-db-form - Gambas database bound controls
gambas2-gb-db-mysql - The MySQL driver for the Gambas database component
gambas2-gb-db-odbc - The Gambas ODBC driver database component
gambas2-gb-db-postgresql - The PostgreSQL driver for the Gambas database component
gambas2-gb-db-sqlite - The Gambas sqlite3 driver database component
gambas2-gb-db-sqlite2 - The Gambas sqlite2 driver database component
gambas2-gb-desktop - Gambas Portland project compatibility component
gambas2-gb-form - A gambas native form component
gambas2-gb-form-dialog - A gambas native mdi form component
gambas2-gb-form-mdi - A gambas native mdi form component
gambas2-gb-gtk - The Gambas gtk component
gambas2-gb-gtk-ext - The Gambas extended gtk GUI component
gambas2-gb-gtk-svg - The Gambas SVG importing component
gambas2-gb-gui - The graphical toolkit selector component
gambas2-gb-image - A Gambas image effects component
gambas2-gb-info - A Gambas information component
gambas2-gb-net - The Gambas networking component
gambas2-gb-net-curl - The Gambas advanced networking component
gambas2-gb-net-smtp - Gambas component to use smtp protocol
gambas2-gb-opengl - The OpenGL component for Gambas
gambas2-gb-pcre - The Gambas regexp component
gambas2-gb-pdf - The Gambas pdf component
gambas2-gb-qt - The Gambas Qt GUI component
gambas2-gb-qt-ext - The Gambas extended Qt GUI component
gambas2-gb-qt-kde - The Gambas KDE component
gambas2-gb-qt-kde-html - The Gambas KHTML component
gambas2-gb-qt-opengl - OpenGL with QT toolkit Gambas component
gambas2-gb-report - Gambas report component
gambas2-gb-sdl - The Gambas SDL component
gambas2-gb-settings - Gambas utilities class
gambas2-gb-v4l - The Gambas video for linux component
gambas2-gb-vb - The Gambas to Visual Basic(tm) compatibility component
gambas2-gb-web - Gambas CGI for web applications component
gambas2-gb-xml - The Gambas XML and XSLT component
gambas2-ide - Visual development environment for the Gambas programming language
gambas2-runtime - The Gambas runtime
gambas2-script - The Gambas scripter
gda2-postgres - PostgreSQL backend plugin for GNOME Data Access library for GNOME2
gforge-db-postgresql - collaborative development tool - database (using PostgreSQL)
gforge-shell-postgresql - collaborative development tool - shell accounts (using PostgreSQL)
glom - database designer and user interface
gnokii-smsd-pgsql - SMSD plugin for the PostgreSQL RDBMS
greylistd - Greylisting daemon for use with Exim 4
guile-pg - Guile bindings for the PostgreSQL client library
haskell-hsql-doc - API documentation of the HSQL library for Haskell
haskell-hsql-mysql-doc - API documentation of the hsql-mysql library for Haskell
haskell-hsql-odbc-doc - API documentation of the hsql-odbc library for Haskell
haskell-hsql-postgresql-doc - API documentation of the hsql-postgresql library for Haskell
haskell-hsql-sqlite3-doc - API documentation of the hsql-sqlite3 library for Haskell
hobbit-plugins - plugins for the Hobbit network monitor
jabberd2-ldap-pgsql - Jabber Open Source Instant Messenger Server (LDAP & PostgreSQL)
jabberd2-pgsql - Jabber Open Source Instant Messenger Server (PostgreSQL)
jffnms - web-based Network Management System (NMS) for IP networks
libclass-dbi-loader-perl - Dynamic definition of Class::DBI sub classes
libclass-dbi-pg-perl - Class::DBI extension for Postgres
libdatetime-format-pg-perl - Parse and format PostgreSQL dates and times
libdbd-pg-perl - Perl DBI driver for the PostgreSQL database server
libdbd-pg-ruby - Ruby/DBI PostgreSQL driver
libdbd-pg-ruby1.8 - Ruby/DBI PostgreSQL driver for Ruby 1.8
libdbd-pgsql - PostgreSQL database server driver for libdbi
libdbd-sqlite2-perl - Perl DBI driver with a self-contained RDBMS (SQLite2 version)
libdbix-class-perl - Extensible and flexible object <-> relational mapper
libdbix-class-schema-loader-perl - Dynamic definition of a DBIx::Class::Schema
libdbix-datasource-perl - Database-independent create and drop functions
libdbix-dbschema-perl - Database-independent schema objects
libdspam7-drv-pgsql - DSPAM is a scalable and statistical anti-spam filter
libgda3-postgres - PostgreSQL backend plugin for GNOME Data Access library for GNOME2
libghc6-hdbc-dev - Haskell Database Connectivity, GHC6 package
libghc6-hdbc-odbc-dev - unixODBC HDBC (Haskell Database Connectivity) Driver for GHC
libghc6-hdbc-postgresql-dev - PostgreSQL HDBC (Haskell Database Connectivity) Driver for GHC
libghc6-hdbc-sqlite3-dev - Sqlite v3 HDBC (Haskell Database Connectivity) Driver for GHC
libghc6-hsql-dev - Multi-Database Interface System library for GHC6
libghc6-hsql-mysql-dev - MySQL driver of the HSQL library for GHC6
libghc6-hsql-mysql-prof - MySQL driver of the HSQL profiling library for GHC6
libghc6-hsql-odbc-dev - UnixODBC driver of the HSQL library for GHC6
libghc6-hsql-odbc-prof - UnixODBC driver of the HSQL profiling library for GHC6
libghc6-hsql-postgresql-dev - PostgreSQL driver of the HSQL library for GHC6
libghc6-hsql-postgresql-prof - PostgreSQL driver of the HSQL profiling library for GHC6
libghc6-hsql-prof - Multi-Database Interface System profiling library for GHC6
libghc6-hsql-sqlite3-dev - SQLite driver of the HSQL library for GHC6
libghc6-hsql-sqlite3-prof - SQLite driver of the HSQL profiling library for GHC6
libhk-classes-postgres - PostgreSQL driver plugin for libhk-classes
libhugs-hdbc - Haskell Database Connectivity, Hugs package
libhugs-hdbc-odbc - unixODBC HDBC (Haskell Database Connectivity) Driver for Hugs
libhugs-hdbc-postgresql - PostgreSQL HDBC (Haskell Database Connectivity) Driver for Hugs
libhugs-hdbc-sqlite3 - Sqlite v3 HDBC (Haskell Database Connectivity) Driver for Hugs
libkaya-pgsql-dev - PostgreSQL binding for kaya
libnss-pgsql2 - NSS module for using PostgreSQL as a naming service
libpg-perl - Perl modules for PostgreSQL
libpgeasy - simplified interface library for postgresql
libpgeasy-dev - simplified interface library for postgresql - development files
libpgjava - Java database (JDBC) driver for PostgreSQL - transitional package
libpgsql-ruby - PostgreSQL extension library for Ruby (dummy package)
libpgsql-ruby1.8 - PostgreSQL extension library for Ruby 1.8
libpgtcl-dev - Tcl client library binding for PostgreSQL - development files
libpgtcl1.5 - Tcl client library binding for PostgreSQL
libphp-adodb - The ADOdb database abstraction layer for PHP
libpostgis-java - geographic objects support for PostgreSQL -- JDBC support
libpostgresql-ocaml - OCaml bindings to PostgreSQL's libpq
libpostgresql-ocaml-dev - OCaml bindings to PostgreSQL's libpq
libqt3-mt-psql - PostgreSQL database driver for Qt3 (Threaded)
libsimpledb-dev - C++ ODBC database API
libsimpledb2 - C++ ODBC database API
libsnowpg-perl - Wrapper class for PostgreSQL providing convenience functions
libsqlxx-2.3c2a - C++ classes for database access via ODBC
libsqlxx-dev - C++ classes for database access via ODBC
libtntdb-dev - Development headers for tntdb
libtntdb0 - C++ class library for easy database access
libuser-simple-perl - Simple user sessions management
libyada-pgsql4 - yet another database abstraction layer - postgresql backend
mini-dinstall - daemon for updating Debian packages in a repository
nanoweb - HTTP server written in PHP
nuauth-log-pgsql - Module for nuauth logging into PostgreSQL databases
odbc-postgresql - ODBC driver for PostgreSQL
openser-postgres-module - PostgreSQL database connectivity module for OpenSER
osm2pgsql - Openstreetmap data to PostgreSQL converter
papercut - simple and extensible NNTP server
pdns-backend-pgsql - generic PostgreSQL backend for PowerDNS
perdition - POP3 and IMAP4 Proxy server
perdition-postgresql - Library to allow perdition to access PostgreSQL based popmaps
pfm - PostgreSQL graphical client using Tcl/Tk
pgadmin3 - graphical administration tool for PostgreSQL
pgadmin3-data - graphical administration tool for PostgreSQL - documentation
pgagent - job scheduler for PostgreSQL
pgdocs-pdf - PostgreSQL documentation in PDF format on US letter paper
pgdocs-pdf-a4 - PostgreSQL documentation in PDF format for A4 paper
pgfouine - PostgreSQL log analyzer
pgloader - loads flat data files into PostgreSQL
pgpool - connection pool server for PostgreSQL
pgpool2 - connection pool server and replication proxy for PostgreSQL
php5-sqlite3 - SQLite3 module for php5
phpbb2 - A fully featured and skinnable flat (non-threaded) webforum
phppgadmin - Set of PHP scripts to administrate PostgreSQL over the WWW
pike7.6-core - Powerful interpreted programming language
pike7.6-pg - Postgres module for Pike
postgis - geographic objects support for PostgreSQL -- common files
postgresql-8.2 - object-relational SQL database, version 8.2 server
postgresql-8.2-ip4r - IPv4 and IPv4 range index types for PostgreSQL 8.2
postgresql-8.2-orafce - Oracle support functions for PostgreSQL
postgresql-8.2-pljava-gcj - Java procedural language for PostgreSQL
postgresql-8.2-plproxy - PL/Proxy is a proxy language used for remote database
postgresql-8.2-plruby - Ruby procedural language for PostgreSQL
postgresql-8.2-plsh - PL/sh procedural language for PostgreSQL 8.2
postgresql-8.2-postgis - geographic objects support for PostgreSQL 8.2
postgresql-8.3-ip4r - IPv4 and IPv4 range index types for PostgreSQL 8.3
postgresql-8.3-postgis - geographic objects support for PostgreSQL 8.3
postgresql-8.3-slony1 - replication system for PostgreSQL
postgresql-client-8.2 - front-end programs for PostgreSQL 8.2
postgresql-contrib-8.2 - additional facilities for PostgreSQL
postgresql-doc-8.2 - documentation for the PostgreSQL database management system
postgresql-filedump-8.2 - Utility to format PostgreSQL files
postgresql-plperl-8.2 - PL/Perl procedural language for PostgreSQL 8.2
postgresql-plpython-8.2 - PL/Python procedural language for PostgreSQL 8.2
postgresql-pltcl-8.2 - PL/Tcl procedural language for PostgreSQL 8.2
postgresql-server-dev-8.2 - development files for PostgreSQL 8.2 server-side programming
postgresql-tablelog - log changes on a table in PostgresSQL
postgrey - greylisting implementation for Postfix
proftpd-pgsql - Versatile, virtual-hosting FTP daemon
pure-ftpd-postgresql - Pure-FTPd FTP server with PostgreSQL user authentication
python-logilab-common - useful miscellaneous modules used by Logilab projects
python-pgsql - A Python DB-API 2.0 interface to PostgreSQL v7.x
python-psycopg - Python module for PostgreSQL
python-psycopg-dbg - Python module for PostgreSQL (debug extension)
python-psycopg2 - Python module for PostgreSQL
python-psycopg2-dbg - Python module for PostgreSQL (debug extension)
python-psycopg2da - Zope database adapter based on python-psycopg2 -- zope3 version
python-psycopgda - Zope database adapter based on python-psycopg -- zope3 version
python-storm - object-relational mapper (ORM) for Python
r-cran-rodbc - GNU R package for ODBC database access
ratbox-services-pgsql - irc services for use with ircd-ratbox with the PostgreSQL backend
roundcube-pgsql - virtual package providing PostgreSQL dependencies for RoundCube
roundcube-webmail - A browser-based multilingual AJAX-powered IMAP client
ser-acc-db-module - contains the ser acc module, with db support
ser-postgres-module - contains the PostgreSQL database connectivity module
serendipity - Weblog manager with extensive theming and plugin support
sgml-spell-checker - spell checker for SGML documents
sisu-complete - installs all SiSU related packages
sisu-postgresql - SiSU dependencies for use with postgresql database
slony1-bin - replication system for PostgreSQL
slony1-doc - Slony-I documentation
snort-pgsql - Flexible Network Intrusion Detection System [PostgreSQL]
spl-core - SPL Programming Language
spl-postgres - SPL Programming Language -- postgres adapter
sqlrelay - Database connection pooling, proxying and load balancing
sqlrelay-dev - SQL Relay C and C++ APIs
sqlrelay-doc - SQL Relay Documentation
sqlrelay-postgresql - SQL Relay PostgreSQL connection daemon
sympa - Modern mailing list manager
tedia2sql - Converts a Dia diagram to various SQL dialects
tntdb-postgresql0 - PostgreSQL backend for tntdb database access library
tora - A graphical toolkit for database developers and administrators
trac - Enhanced wiki and issue tracking system for software development projects
ulogd - The Netfilter Userspace Logging Daemon
ulogd-pgsql - PostgreSQL extension to ulogd
webcalendar - PHP-Based multi-user calendar
www-pgsql - a WWW interface for the PostgreSQL database
wzdftpd-back-pgsql - PostgreSQL backend for wzdftpd
yate-pgsql - Postgresql module for yate
zabbix-server-pgsql - software for monitoring of your networks -- server
zope-exuserfolder - extensible user authentication product for zope
zope-psycopgda - Zope database adapter based on python-psycopg
zope-psycopgda2 - Zope database adapter based on python-psycopg2
postgresql-autodoc - utility to create PostrgreSQL database schema overview in HTML, DOT and XML
libecpg-compat3 - older version of run-time library for ECPG programs
libecpg-dev - development files for ECPG (Embedded PostgreSQL for C)
libecpg6 - run-time library for ECPG programs
libpgtypes3 - shared library libpgtypes for PostgreSQL 8.3
libpq-dev - header files for libpq5 (PostgreSQL library)
libpq5 - PostgreSQL C client library
openoffice.org-base - OpenOffice.org office suite - database
php5-pgsql - PostgreSQL module for php5
php5-sqlite - SQLite module for php5
postgresql - object-relational SQL database (latest version)
postgresql-8.3 - object-relational SQL database, version 8.3 server
postgresql-client - front-end programs for PostgreSQL (latest version)
postgresql-client-8.3 - front-end programs for PostgreSQL 8.3
postgresql-contrib - additional facilities for PostgreSQL (latest version)
postgresql-contrib-8.3 - additional facilities for PostgreSQL
postgresql-doc - documentation for the PostgreSQL database management system
postgresql-doc-8.3 - documentation for the PostgreSQL database management system
postgresql-plperl-8.3 - PL/Perl procedural language for PostgreSQL 8.3
postgresql-plpython-8.3 - PL/Python procedural language for PostgreSQL 8.3
postgresql-pltcl-8.3 - PL/Tcl procedural language for PostgreSQL 8.3
postgresql-server-dev-8.3 - development files for PostgreSQL 8.3 server-side programming
gnade-bin - GNat Ada Database Environment - embedded SQL preprocessor
gnade-doc - Documentation files for the GNat Ada Database Environment
libgnademysql-dev - GNat Ada Database Environment - MySQL programming interface
libgnademysql1.6 - GNat Ada Database Environment - MySQL interface
libgnadeodbc-dev - GNat Ada Database Environment - ODBC programming interface
libgnadeodbc1.6 - GNat Ada Database Environment - ODBC interface
libgnadepostgresql-dev - GNat Ada Database Environment - PostgreSQL programming interface
libgnadepostgresql1.6 - GNat Ada Database Environment - PostgreSQL interface
libgnadesqlite-dev - GNat Ada Database Environment - SQLite programming interface
libgnadesqlite1.6 - GNat Ada Database Environment - SQLite interface
libpam-pgsql - PAM module to authenticate using a PostgreSQL database
mnogosearch-pgsql - full-featured web search engine (PostgreSQL)
openoffice.org-sdbc-postgresql - PostgreSQL SDBC driver for OpenOffice.org
specter - packet logger for netfilter's ULOG target
specter-pgsql - packet logger for netfilter's ULOG target [PostgreSQL]

Dosemu есть тоже.

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забыл еще добавить что систему не надо переуставливать с выходом новой версии. Если есть инет то просто обновляемся до последней версии. Smile

Это что в бесплатно рассылаемой версии на 1 (ОДНОМ !!!) CD ?
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